Tuesday, May 14, 2013

State approves final report on Davidson County election troubles ...

State approves final report on Davidson County election troubles ...

Four days after the Davidson County Election Commission fired its top administrator, the State Election Commission accepted the final version of the ...

... Despite having little appetite for discussion, the State Election Commission agreed to let two people in the audience speak. Former Davidson County Election Commissioner Steve Abernathy expressed frustration with some of Goins’ findings, which he said “could be considered unfairly biased or even personal.”

....Jim Gotto,....who cast the only vote against Tieche’s firing, said .... he resigned to protest the treatment Tieche received at two recent meetings.

“I have seen hostile witnesses treated with more respect than Mr. Tieche was treated with,” he said. “There’s just no place for that.”

My Comment: After the Davidson County Election Commission voting 4-1 to fire Administrator of Elections Albert Tieche, I would not have expected any different outcome from the State Election Commission. It is a shame that Mark Goins listened to the likes of left-wing activist Mary Mancini and railroaded a good man like Albert Tieche. Thanks to Jim Gotto and Steve Abernathy for taking a stand.

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