Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Tennessee number one state in which to retire.

That's right, Tennessee hits our No.1 spot. Its cost of living is the second lowest in the country, just behind Oklahoma, according to data collected from the Council for Community and Economic Research. And the Tax Foundation puts Tennessee's state and local tax burden as the third lowest in the nation.
Tennessee also ranked among the best in the country for access to medical care, and its weather is warmer than average.

All of those factors make Tennessee an excellent place for retirees, especially those on a tight budget and fixed income. There is still one main drawback, however. Tennessee's crime rate is among the worst in the U.S.

My Comment: This is another indication we are doing things right. Also, this did not mention that it is much cheaper to die in Tennessee than in Florida and some other retirement destinations since we have slashed the death tax. Don't worry about the crime rate. That is mostly Black-on-Black crime and white meth drug user and meth dealer crime. You really will not notice that we have a high crime rate. Our education system is still near the bottom, but if you are considering retirement, you probably don't have kids in school so you won't notice our poor public education system. Plus, Tennessee is a beautiful state, especially middle Tennessee eastward with some of the most breathtaking scenery and waterfalls and hiking trails and lakes. Come to Tennessee!

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