Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Sumner County Republican Women host panel on Common Core

Here is a balanced article about the new Common Core education standards. The Sumner County Republican Women hosted this panel of Tennessee experts on Common Core. 

Former State Representative Debra Maggert reports on her facebook page that she had attended the anti-common core rally in Williamson county last month and noted that it was very unbalanced and their "experts" were not Tennesseans. She says the Sumner County Republican Women's club tried to find anti-common core experts to speak on the panel, but were unable to find anyone with an education background who had first hand knowledge about Common Core to speak. All but one of the panelists at the Summer County event was a Sumner countian.  

Educators say Common Core sets higher expectations 

The Tennessean, May 28, 2013- Adopted in Tennessee in 2010, the Common Core initiative was a state-driven, bipartisan effort spearheaded by the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers. The movement was aimed at reforming schools to better prepare students for college and career readiness. In all, 45 states have signed on. With Common Core, states will for the first time be teaching the same standards at each grade level across the nation.

 The pushback is perhaps being fueled by a misunderstanding of Common Core, panelists said. The new standards will emphasize not only student knowledge, but students will also be expected to be able to apply what they know through higher-level, critical thinking skills, educators said. (link)

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