Thursday, May 09, 2013

Video of the Albert Tieche firing. Ron Buchanan, what a Jerk.

Watch this short video of the Election Commission at this link: Albert-Tieche-fired-by-Election-Commission

Ron Buchanan's behavior and treatment of Albert Tieche is disgusting. I am proud of Jim Gotto for telling Buchanan, "Quite frankly, I think your tone is inappropriate." 

Buchanan is a bully! I am disappointed with the Republican elected officials who appointed Buchanan.  I assume the responsibility for that appointment goes to Beth Harwell. The process should have been allowed to run its course. I am not feeling very supportive of Beth Harwell right now. Maybe Beth Harwell needs to be replaces as speaker.  Maybe she needs a primary opponent.

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  1. Suggestion: Rather than assume (incorrectly) who appointed the Republican members of the Davidson County Election Commission, I would suggest you find out, then post the accurate information.

    1. The DECC members are appointed by law by the Davidson County delegation to the state legislature. Last time I checked Representative Harwell was one of the three.(The other 2 being Ferrell Haile and Dr. Steve Dickerson). The very fact that you chose to comment anonymously casts doubt on your credibility and motivation.

    2. So, you agree that the accurate statement would have been that Mr. Buchanan, as well as the other two Republican Election Commissioners, were appointed by Dr. Dickerson, Mr. Haile and Mr. Harwell? Before you question credibility and motivation, let's be sure we have the facts straight.

    3. I have always had my facts correct. If you continue to attack people's character, at least have the courage to not do so anonymously.

    4. Whose character did I attack?

  2. Albert may be a nice man, but he was so incompetent that he wanted to hire an administrative assistant to do his job. That would make the taxpayers pay for two people to do one job.

    1. Albert's statement was in response to questions regarding why he didn't personally perform all the tasks assigned to the AOE. He said one person could not physically perform all the tasks assigned to the AOE in a large county.
