Friday, June 07, 2013

American Thinker: The Not-So-Veiled Threat to Non-Muslims in Tennessee

From the Blog American Thinker:

The Not-So-Veiled Threat to Non-Muslims in Tennessee

by Janet Levy, June 7, 2013 - The attempted snow job by the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) of Tennessee which sponsored the joint Department of Justice/FBI event, "Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society," Tuesday night in Manchester, Tennessee, did not work with the 2,000 attendees. Claims that American Muslims are loyal citizens, partners in counterterrorism investigations, part of radicalization prevention efforts, and an integral part of American society for centuries fell flat, especially coming from the host organization that was formed only two years ago in response to anti-shariah legislation in the Volunteer State. 

A well-informed crowd responded with calls of "taqiyyah"....(read more)

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