Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Beating the bushes to beat Lamar: You can't beat somebody with nobody

Metro Pulse, June 12, 2013- An organization has been formed to find and support a candidate against U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander in next year’s Republican primary. The Real Conservative National Committee will have volunteers canvassing the five major metropolitan areas of Tennessee on Saturday (June 15), organizing a ground game as part of its “Beat Lamar” campaign. The goal is to knock on a total of 5,000 doors in Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, and the Tri-Cities.

Alexander has been expecting a challenge from the right and has been amassing a campaign war chest. FreedomWorks, a conservative Super PAC, has been around the state interviewing potential candidates, including Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett.(link)

The Real CNC invites you to participate in Beat Lamar Alexander Ground Game Day Saturday, June 15, 2013 

The Real CNC - Join conservative activists throughout Tennessee in this day of door to door canvassing. This is the first step you can take to help conservative candidates challenge incumbent RINOs in the House and Senate in the 2014 Republican primaries! The Real Conservatives National Committee intends to change the way the Republican primary election game is played so as to give qualified, boat-rocking conservative candidates like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul far better chances of defeating establishment Republicans.(link)

Who will run against Lamar? 
Glenn Thomas Jacobs, AKA "Kane"

If the best they can come up with to run against Lamar is the professional wrestler known as "Kane," I don't think Lamar has anything to worry about. Glenn Jacobs is a libertarian and a Ron Paul supporter. He considers the tea party "too Republican" for his taste (link). He  blogs, mostly on economic issues, and advocates going back on the gold standard and abolishing the Federal Reserve. You can find his blog at this link:Adventures of Citizen X.

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