Monday, June 17, 2013

Corker blocks Afghan war funds over CIA 'ghost money' program

By Carlo Muñoz, The Hill, 6/17/13 - Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) is blocking millions in State Department funds for Afghanistan, until President Obama discloses details abut the CIA's decade-long effort to funnel cash to Afghan leaders, including President Hamid Karzai.

The ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations panel has put a hold on $75 million in government aid to Kabul “until such time as I receive sufficient information" on the CIA program, Corker said Monday. (read more)

My Comment: With so many scandals, it is hard to focus on all of them. With Bengazi, the IRS targeting of conservatives, the Obamacare shakedown, and massive spying on Americans, it is easy to let something slip by, but this should not fall through the cracks.

While supposedly trying to build a democratic nation in Afghanistan we have undermined democracy by funneling many million to Karzai and his friends. CIA funds have reportedly fueled the rampant corruption and fraud that has plagued Karzai's government since the war began. I applaud Senator Corker for sticking with this issue. I would normally not be in favor of cutting off funding to an ally at a critical juncture in which we are preparing to hand over full control of security operations to them.  However, if the only thing keeping the Karzai government in power is "waking around money," then they will fall anyway when the money runs out. We need ansewers and a full acounting!

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