Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First Tuesday guest July 2, Stephen Fincher

From First Tuesday:

1ST TUESDAY members and friends,

First... let me apologize for being tardy getting the invite to you for our guest, Congressman Stephen
Congressman Stephen Fincher
  [R, TN-8] on Tuesday, July 2nd.
Some of you know its been a more-than-tragic time for multiple families and friends of mine. ....
As you know, Washington DC continues to be ALL-A-BUZZ with ever more information coming on multiple fronts. Congressman Fincher will be a wealth of 1st-hand insights and information. 
MORE coming next week, but in the mean time let me encourage you to secure your seat via our 1ST TUESDAY website ASAP !  www.1sttuesdaynashville.com
AS MANY of you will recall, our normal meeting room at Waller is undergoing a renovation. SO.. we are meeting in the 26th floor room that holds on 70 seats.   IN SHORT.. it will be those  1ST to SECURE their seat(s) who get to join us !
As USUAL... we will meet at The Offices of WALLER LAW  -- 511 Union.. 26th floor for this special event ! ... Doors open at 11AM for  Coffee and Social time..  Lunch will be at 11:30AM and program starting promptly at NOON..  Lunch is $20 for MEMBERS and $25 for Guests.. a waiting list will be started once we hit 70 RSVPs. 
Lunch for those on the waiting list who do get join us will be $25 and collected at the door.    

MORE info soon !
Thanks again for you patience... and please keep Kim and our other friends in your prayers in the days.. ahead....   [ "BIG Guy".... you will be missed ]
See you July 2nd !
Tim Skow

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