Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Liberty on the Rocks moved location to Dan McGuinness Pub

From Liberty on the Rocks:

Liberty on the Rocks @ Dan McGuinness June 20th, 5:30pm – 9:00pm

Hold on to your butts, everyone, we're changing things up. Our usual haunt, Mafiaoza's, is outta commission due to some renovation work, so we're moving over to Dan McGuinness this month. Happy Hour lasts until 7pm so get there early.

Whoa! Holy moly do we have lots to discuss this month! Did you hear about that high school dropout who basically pantsed the entire United States security apparatus? How embarrassing, right? For real though, Ed Snowden's actions are world-changing, no debate about that, but there's plenty to debate around everything else about it.

Meanwhile, other stuff happened this month too. Indiana made it legal for its citizens to defend their property from criminals, even if those criminals happen to be cops. The government of Turkey decided that protesting the building of a shopping mall is an offense worthy of violent oppression. Finally, it seems that our beloved Governor, Mr. Haslam, may have been blessed with quite the windfall recently.

So come on out to Dan McGuinness starting at 5:30pm! http://www.danmcguinnesspub.comnashville  

When: Thursday, June 20th 5:30pm

Where: 1538 Demonbreun Street Nashville, TN 37203

Just ask the hostess for Liberty on the Rocks or look for our logo on the tables. As always your friends, family, coworkers are welcome so forward the message! Visit http://tennessee.libertyontherocks.org to find Liberty on the Rocks in your area and sign up for email reminders

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