Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Manchester Free Speech rally grows- National figures attending.

It looks like the free speech rally in Manchester is turning into a big event, bigger than the Federal Government intimidation "civil rights" seminar. This is from an on-line source from a resident of Coffee County.

Subject: ACT! for Coffee County - 3 June update 
- Free Speech Rally before 4 June meeting ACT!

For Coffee County Patriots,
If you have listened to talk radio today, you know that the meeting tomorrow night is taking on a life of its own. Here are some of the details and issues we are planning for (from extremely reliable source) …

- 5:30 pm Free Speech Rally. Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and other national leaders are flying in for this event. We will set up a soap box and hand each qualified speaker the bull horn. The Rally will be immediately adjacent to the conference center. - There will be many police directing traffic.

- The actual AMAC supported event with the US Attorney and FBI Special Agent starts at 6:30 pm

- Get there early to get a seat.

- There will be a lot of security, especially if you try to bring in any kind of bag. - Filming and cameras are permitted anywhere – bring one if you can.

- If the conference center parking fills up, Frances Arthur and her family are offering a taxi service for those who park at the Walmart across the street. Thanks Frances. Service begins ~4:00 pm and you will get return service after the event.

 - O’Charlie’s in Manchester has a room reserved before the rally for any interested in a meal with likeminded folks. Ask for the “Green Room” or ask for Michelle Russell’s room. Thanks Michelle.

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