Monday, June 03, 2013

Ron Paul Endorsed End the Fed Film 'Silver Circle' Premieres in Nashville

From :The Nashville Libertarian Meetup Group:

  • Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:00 PM
  • The Filming Station, 501 8th Avenue South, Nashville, TN (map)
  • Ron Paul himself endorsed "Silver Circle" with this statement, “I am very excited about Silver Circle, which spreads the message of liberty and sound money via an exciting tale of a future where the Federal Reserve has killed the dollar, the US economy has collapsed, and the federal government has slid into complete authoritarianism. Fortunately, a brave band of rebels works to restore liberty and undermine the Federal Reserve’s power via an alternative currency."
    Silver Circle is a 3d animated, dystopian film in which a group of rebels mint their own silver currency to fight back against an out-of-control Federal Reserve. It has action, adventure, romance, and a gripping story line with an important message about sound money.
    A Facebook event has been created for the event, which can be found below.
    There will be showings at 6:15 PM and 8:15 PM on June 26th at the Filming Station on 8th avenue.
    Tickets can be acquired at the below link, and an after party will take place at Mafiaozas.

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