Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Davidson County Republican Picnic with video and report

Wine in grocery stores won big with 71 percent of the vote in the Davidson County Republicans' straw poll. The annual picnic with the early polling marks summer politics for the party. Attendance was down with no major elections until 2014..

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was voted both first and second choice to win the Presidential Primary. Close behind Cruz was Sen. Rand Paul.

Charlie Tygard and Kenneth Eaton were neck and neck to become Nashville's next mayor as either voters first or second choice. Republican political consultant Mark Rogers announced straw poll results from the podium.

Mayoral hopeful Bill Freeman's 11 percent vote as first choice and 15 percent vote as second choice prompted Rogers to exclaim, "Bill Freeman's a major Al Gore donor!"

Sen. Steve Dickerson brought his rock band "No Good Deed" to entertain. Stacy Reis-Snyder spelled him with a country sound during lunch. Adam Nickas from the state party and Davidson Chairman Robert Duvall emceed the event. Recognition went to past President Kathleen Starnes, County Convention Chairman Jim Gotto and Barbara Outhier, The Winfield Dunn award went to Outhier for her work for the party.

A path to citizenship within immigration reorganization was voted down 60-40 percent. A close vote of 51 :"yes" to 49 "no" on expanding the power of the mayor and council over education

This excellent report and video is the work of Dur Fuller.  I lifted it from Youtube. You can find her blog at Dru's Blog.

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