Friday, June 21, 2013

The Good News of Common Core

Here is an interesting op-ed article by Liberty University English professor Dr. Karen Swallow Prior about how the Common Core reading skills standard is good news for Christians. Rod

by Karen Swallow Prior, Christianity Today, 6/20/2013 - The man behind the Common Core State Standards, a set of robust learning measurements that have the potential to change the state of American education, recently reached out to Christians to discuss the role of literacy in our society.

David Coleman, also the president of the testing organization the College Board, recognized that Christians, as a "people of the book," would take a particular interest in the next generation's ability to read, think, and understand texts. ....
In short, the Common Core standards of reading promise to revitalize the fading art of reading well. For Christians, this is indeed good news.  (read more)

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