Friday, June 07, 2013

Video of Muslim sponsored event in Manchestor with commentary

This happened in Manchester and it ain't Bonnoroo

Below is a video of the the AMAC sponsored event in Manchester Tuesday night.

This video was produced by Bill Hobbs. I appreciate him recording it and making it available on Youtube.  Not being able to attend myself, this is the next best thing to being there. To read Bill Hobbs thoughts on event, follow this link.

There are a lot of rude people in the audience, yelling out comments as the speakers speak. Bill Hobbs says maybe only 5 to 10% of the people were jerks and I will take his word for it.  It doesn't take many people to dominate a crowd and create a bad impression. Starting at about at 40 in the video when U. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, William C. Killian is speaking the crowd gets real rowdy and shouts him down. It is real bad at about 54 in the video.

At 20:20 - 34:35 in the video, a portion of the documentary “Welcome to
Shelbyville” is show, about the Muslim experience in Shelbyville Tn and the impact on the community and the community response.

Below are media reports on the event:

Forum on civil rights sparks protest rally for free speech - WKRN TV:

Protesters pack Muslim-sponsored meeting on social media 'hate speech' crackdown -

Muslim group's TN forum with feds disrupted by heckling - Tennessean:

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