Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rick Williams talks to Caffeinated Conservatives about the ARC BRT

This Saturday!

Rick Williams
Come learn and share your opinions about the big issues facing Nashville. This month, we have Rick Williams coming to tell us about his part in the fight against the Mayor's proposed $210 million bus route that will remove three lanes of traffic on West End and put the city in ever more debt. Rick has made numerous appearances on the Ralph Bristol morning show on 99.7 FM to get the word out and to let people know what we can do to get involved, and as an old political hand, he has some stories to tell! If you've heard Rick speak on this before, you will still want to come to this meeting, because he has discovered new information that may explain why Mayor Dean is trying to get the taxpayers of Davidson County into even more debt over some concrete bus stops.

WHEN: June 22nd at 2 PM
WHERE: Portland Brew East (1921 Eastland Ave in Nashville), and when you go inside, look for the sign that says "Caffeinated Conservatives"
WHAT: Hear what Rick Williams has to say, agree or disagree, and enjoy great coffee and conversation with fellow political junkies!

Bring your opinions and a friend! Hope to see you there!

Stephen Clements and Terry Torre

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