Wednesday, June 19, 2013

We will continue to pay the bill so wealthy environmentalist can park free

Tonight the Council voted to let the rest of us continue to subsidize those with expensive enviormentally-friendly vehicles, so they can park for free downtown.

by Michael Cass, The Tennessean, June 18, 2013 - Nashville residents with environmentally friendly vehicles will be able to keep parking for free at downtown meters after the Metro Council voted Tuesday to extend the program indefinitely. (read more)

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1 comment:

  1. I figured the environmentally conscious were already riding the Music City Star and didn't need (more) free parking.

    "It sends a message that we want to reward citizens who make conscious decisions about how to improve their city’s air quality,” driving coal-powered cars?

    Did Nashville go the route of further prostituting the HOV lanes (we all pay for) for hybrids like some cities have? You could drive solo in the HOV lane in certain "green" cars. For instance, a Toyota Highlander hybrid getting about 30mpg on the interstate is permitted, while doing the same in a VW turbodiesel getting 45mpg was forbidden.

    Make it performance-based if improving air quality is really what the city wants to do. Count ALL the emissions required by those coal-powered cars.
