Monday, June 17, 2013

What do you want for the future of Nashville?

For some months now, Nashville has been in the process of developing a plan for Nashville for the next twenty-five years. If your goal for Nashville is privatization, lower taxes, less government, keeping the fairgrounds, abolishing the Human Relations Commission, Charter Schools, or something else, please speak up. You can rest assured those who want a Nashville to be a microcosm of California are speaking up. Planned or not, change will occur. If future bureaucrats and elected officials do not hear from you then they will assume the majority agree with whatever plan comes out of the Nashville Next planning process. The following is from NashvilleNext:
Please take a short survey and share your thoughts with us!

We've just published a new NashvilleNext Community Survey, and we hope you'll take a few moments to tell us what you think. Click here to get started now.

Thanks, and we're looking forward to hearing your feedback.
This is an open, transparent process, yet the "progressive" element has been dominating the input. Too often conservatives sit on the sidelines and then complain that they had no input. Please get involved. 

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