Friday, June 07, 2013

What happend at the Council meeting June 4th

I usually summarize the Council meetings and notate in the video where to go to see the most interesting parts of the meeting. I have not done that in a timely manner this time, so I am not going to do it. To know more about what happened at the last Council meeting, follow this link to view the minutes of the meeting:

Below is the Tennessean's coverage of the meeting:

The Metro Council approved the city’s $1.81 billion budget Tuesday after making only minor changes to Mayor Karl Dean’s plan.

Council members also heard a variety of strong opinions about Dean’s proposal for a 7.1-mile bus rapid transit line during a public hearing on the mayor’s capital spending plan, which calls for pumping $7.5 million into further engineering of the project, now known as “The Amp.” (link)

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