Monday, June 10, 2013

What's on the Council agenda for June 11th

This meeting is a special “adjourned” meeting and should be a short meeting. You can get your own copy of the Metro council meeting agenda here: Agenda.  You can get a the staff analysis here: Metro Council Agenda Analysis.

There is one resolution: RESOLUTION NO. RS2013-710 issues up to $300 million in general obligation bonds to fund various projects in the Mayor’s 2013-2014 capital spending plan. This is the first step in the process of selling the bonds to finance projects. See the staff analysis if you want to know where the money is going.

There are no bills on first reading or second reading. 

There are fourteen bills on third reading and most of them authorize Metro water services to acquire easements for various water, sewer and stormwater projects.

ORDINANCE NO. BL2012-467 adopts the capital improvements budget for 2013-2014 through 2018-2019. The capital improvements budget is a planning document and does not in itself appropriate any money. The capital improvement budget list projects and categorizes them as to how they will be funded and prioritized them. How much debt service is in the operating budget and the interest rates determines how much money can be raised by the sale of bonds.

Many projects in the capital improvements budget never get funded. A capital project must be in the capital improvement budget, however, before it can be approved by the council for funding. This budget is amendable on third so if some councilman’s pet project did not make it into the capital improvements budget he could try to have it added.

The Charter requires the council to adopt the capital improvements budget no later than June 15th of each year. Once adopted, future amendments to the capital improvements budget must be approved by the planning commission, be recommended by the mayor, and then be adopted by resolution of the council receiving twenty-seven (27) affirmative votes. It is not very often that something gets added to the capital improvements budget during the year, once it is adopted, so if something is left out, it would be another year before it could be added under normal circumstances. 

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