Monday, July 08, 2013

"Confronting the Common Core" vedio is now available


Rod -

We are excited to share this news with you.

April 30, 2013 the Tennessee Freedom Coalition participated in the event "Confronting the Common Core." Recently, the video from that event became available.

Because this issue is of such great importance to the people of Tennessee, we at the Tennessee Freedom Coalition ask that you would share this video via email, facebook, twitter, and any other way you share important information. The future of our children's education depends on getting the word out about this critical issue

Click here to go to the YouTube page where all 12 video are hosted.

Here is a message from Kevin Kookogey, the leader of this event.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

With apologies for the unexpected lengthy delay (we can thank the IRS for that!), we have finally uploaded the video from our April 30, 2013, "Confronting the Common Core" event.  The link is below.

Due to this footage being shot from one still camera straight-on from the back of the room, the presentation is not up to our standards in either audio or visual quality.  But we were working within the confines of our budget and could only do so much with the raw material provided to us at the end of the night by our production team. 

Nevertheless, the content is there in a sequence of separate segments for each speaker and/or each subject matter of the evening. 

My thanks again to everyone who attended and to our sponsors for making this event possible. 

All my best,
Kevin Kookogey
The Board of Directors
Tennessee Freedom Coalition 

From time to time this blog may post information that I think would be of interest to the conservative, libertarian, or greater community. Such information is posted as a public service and the fact that I post it should not construed as an endorsement. As it relates to Common Core, I tend to think Common Core is a positive education reform. For other post on the topic of Common Core, follow this link. Rod  

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