Thursday, July 25, 2013

How our Representatives voted on the NSA secret collecting of phone records

The 217-205 roll call Wednesday by which the House rejected a challenge to the National Security Agency's secret collection of hundreds of millions of Americans' phone records.

A "yes" vote was a vote to halt the NSA program; a "no" vote was a vote to allow the program to continue.

Voting yes were 111 Democrats and 94 Republicans.

Voting no were 83 Democrats and 134 Republicans. (link)
You will note that the vote did not follow party lines. Most Democrats voted to halt the NSA program and most Republican voted to continue it.  Our Tennessee Republicans all voted "yes," voting to halt the program.

Here is how our Tennessee delegation voted: 
Democrats – Cohen, Y; Cooper, N.
Republicans – Black, Y; Blackburn, Y; DesJarlais, Y; Duncan, Y; Fincher, Y; Fleischmann, Y;   Roe, Y.
Several notable conservative Republican representatives voted "no":  Ohio's John Boehner voted "no," Virginia's Eric Cantor voted "no," Wisconsin's Paul Ryan voted "no," Michelle Bachmann of Wisconsin voted "no."

Among notable Democrats, Nancy Pelosi voted "no," Waxman voted "yes," Dingle voted "yes."

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1 comment:

  1. Cohen and Duncan have had this right for a while. It is nice to see some of the other Republicans decide not to spy on us without warrants after voting to do that repeatedly. Also interesting to read New American's account of the Republicans using muslim-hater excuse to keep on spying:
