Friday, July 05, 2013

Madison Project Looking for Primary Challenger to Lamar Alexander

Press Release, Washington, DC – The Madison Project announced today that it will be working with Tea Party leaders in Tennessee to find a viable conservative challenger to Lamar Alexander in next year’s primary.
“The Senate amnesty bill is one of the most destructive bills to come before the Senate in years, yet Senator Lamar Alexander betrayed conservatives and helped secure its passage,” said Drew Ryun of the Madison Project.

“Last year, Tennessee voters strongly rejected Obama’s agenda, but Lamar Alexander voted for Obama’s most important priority of his second term. The amnesty bill is the Obamacare of immigration policy, as it exacerbates the current system, creates a permanent cycle of amnesty, ties the hands of law enforcement, and grants enormous discretion to Obama’s bureaucrats. Even the hollow promises of enforcement will not be implemented until 10
years after amnesty is granted.”
“We look forward to backing a candidate who prioritizes the American taxpayer and the rule of law over the desires of special interests,” said Daniel Horowitz of the Madison Project. “Whether it’s amnesty, tax increases, debt limit increases, energy subsidies, or liberal judicial nominees, Alexander has stood on the side of Democrats and special interests over the conservative values of his Tennessee constituents. It’s time for Tennessee to have at least one senator who stands for bold colors instead of pale pastels.”
The Madison Project supports and raises money for conservative candidates that have demonstrated a
commitment to full-spectrum conservatism. The Madison Project website can be found at
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1 comment:

  1. I can't wait. I'll support the challenger.
