Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pastor Enoch Fuzz says "Boycott Florida"

A Nashville pastor urged his congregation Sunday to "Boycott Florida" in reaction to a not-guilty verdict by a jury in the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin murder trial. Enoch Fuzz, pastor of Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church took to Facebook and the pulpit yesterday to urge his members to boycott the entire state of Florida, in solidarity for justice. "Boycott Florida! I'm saying to my members, I say to them, 'Don't go to Florida, and don't spend your money there,'" he told a local NBC news affiliate in Nashville, Tenn. (link)
Most people won't boycott Florida and if one person doesn't go then someone who else will take their place. If those who boycott Florida, instead go to Gulf Shores Alabama, then someone who couldn't get a room in Gulf Shores will instead go to Panama City.  I don't think Florida needs to worry about a boycott. It would take a lot of people not going to any beach.  And if the boycott was successful it would probably cause African Americans to lose their jobs first.

On his Facebook page Pastor Fuzz writes, "66 percent agree with the verdict. WOW! America the Ugly."

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1 comment:

  1. There is nothing godly about a *pastor* telling a congregation to boycott a state because he was unhappy with a verdict given by a jury. This system has worked for centuries. Funny that he only uses scriptures that fit his agenda and ignore where the Words instruction of obeying the laws of the land.
