Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Save Our Fairgrounds call to Action: call your councilman!

Call to Action:  Meeting Tonight - Contact your Councilman!

SaveOurFairgrounds needs your help!  Please contact your councilman director or all the council members prior to this evening's Council Meeting to urge them to vote to support the amendment to allocate MDHA dollars to the Fairgrounds to make all the flood repairs which were not filed in 2010 due to the administration's announcement of the closure of the Fairgrounds in December 2010. It is imperative that we have the vote of the council for this amendment

SaveOurFairgrounds.com  urges everyone to contact the council today regarding funds to be allocated to the Fairgrounds.

MDHA has indicated it has $ 7-8 million available which has not been use for flood relief as intended. Therefore, MDHA has offered, if approved by HUD, to turn those funds loose to use for other flood mitigated issues.  Metro has requested approximately $1.1 millions of this money for Jefferson Street and the rest of the money to go to the west bank (Cumberland) project to build flood mitigate walls along the river.   Councilman Duvall has requested $1 million of the earmarked money for the west bank flood mitigation to be directed to the fairgrounds to make all the flood repairs which were not made or filed for in 2010 due to the administrations announcement of the closure of the Fairgrounds in December 2010.

Please contact your council members today and ask them to support Councilman Duvall's amendment.  Even though the council approves this, it is up to HUD make the final determination.  If we don’t ask for it to be appropriated, we will not be entitled to the money for what it was specified for. 

Thank you for your support!!

All Council Members email addresses:councilmembers@nashville.gov

We look forward to seeing you there as we continue to Save Our Fairgrounds.
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