Wednesday, July 24, 2013

School Board work session of 7/25/13: 63 bad teachers could get fired = 1% of Metro teachers

This meeting of the School Board is a "work session" rather than a regular school board meeting. The agenda is only one page and list only the two topics of discussion which are, "STRATEGIC PLAN" and, " TEACHER DISMISSAL DUE PROCESS." This meeting is almost 3 and a half hours long. I have not watched it yet. Actually, I am not sure I will watch it; three and a half hours is a little long and I don't know that I will find the time. If I do  watch it, I will update and notate the video to point out the more interesting parts.

I hope some concerned citizens and anyone contemplating running for school board are watching these videos of school board meetings.  Watching these school board meetings, I have definitely developed opinions of who are the good school board members and who needs to go.

Below is the Tennessean's report on this meeting:

As many as 63 Metro Nashville teachers could lose jobs

As many as 63 Metro teachers could be fired this fall under a new policy orchestrated by Director of Schools Jesse Register to dismiss teachers with chronically low-performing state evaluation scores. (link)

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