Monday, July 08, 2013

Tennessee battle looms over common core

Are Common Core standards the next GOP battleground? 

By Andrea Zelinski, City Paper, July 7, 2013- .....

Conservatives on the far right are vocal with their worry that the government is trying to nationalize education, glean private information from students’ standardized tests, and then stick taxpayers with the bill.
At the state level, leaders including Gov. Bill Haslam point out the state has “come out pretty strong” in support of the Common Core, and he plans to keep it that way.
“We are developing an army, and we have over 700 people on it now who can mobilize when we need to put pressure on our legislators,” said Katherine Hudgins, a chief organizer for Tennessee Against Common Core and a political activist for the 9/12 Project and an officer with the Rutherford County Tea Party. “We will join forces with anybody of any stripe that has the same political concern.”

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