Monday, July 15, 2013

Tim Scott: Internet Sales Tax a Tough Vote, but voted "no."

This is Tim Scott being interviewed at the Tennessee Republican Party's annual Statesman's Dinner

Published on Jul 13, 2013 - Tim Scott, a Republican U.S. senator from South Carolina, says he sees pros and cons to the so-called "Marketplace Fairness Act" -- but ultimately saw more cons, hence his no vote on the bill back in May. The Senate passed the measure 69-27. However, the GOP-controlled House is expected to revise it significantly, if it passes it at all. Scott told TNReport he's hopeful those revisions will ease some of his worries and enable him to vote for it.

The issue is particularly vexing for small business owners, said Scott. On the one hand they feel threatened by tax-free internet sales -- but many also use the internet to do business and fear jurisdictional confusion and the headaches of new layers of red-tape, not to mention legions of revenue-hungry tax collectors keeping tabs on them.

Scott was in Nashville July 12 to deliver the keynote address at the Tennessee Republican Party's annual "Statesmen's Dinner" fundraiser.

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