Monday, July 15, 2013

What are your priorities for Nashville? Speak out!

Your input is needed at public meetings around the city this month. You can help decide what our city should focus on as we create a plan for Metro Nashville's future. Conversations in South Nashville and Madison last week got the process started.  Conservatives are poorly represented at these meetings. They are simply not taking part; liberals are!

 If your priority is to save the fairgrounds, hold the line on taxes, privatize public services, have school choice, curtail crony capitalism, curtail corruption, end abuse of imminent domain,  have something that resembles a free market in transportation that abolishes minimum price controls, protection of private property rights, then please attend one or more of the events listed below and share what you would do if you were the "NashvilleNext Mayor." 

 Monday, July 15: Crossings Event Center, 5130 Hickory Hollow Parkway, Antioch – doors open at 5:30 map to the Crossings Event Center

Thursday, July 18: The Temple - Congregation Ohabai Sholom, 5015 Harding Pike – doors open at 5:30 map to The Temple - Congregation Ohabai Shalom

Tuesday, July 23: North Police Precinct, 2231 26th Avenue North – doors open at 5:30 map to the North Police Precinct 

Saturday, July 27, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm: Sonny West Conference Center, Howard Office Building (formerly Howard School), 700 Second Avenue South – doors open at 9:30map to the Sonny West Conference Center

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