Sunday, August 04, 2013

Brenda Lenard explains the basis of charges against her

To be fair, I do not know the truth of the story of the record of Brenda Lenard. In a news story, which I linked to and reported as a "claim," it was reported that Lenard had been guilty of cashing bad checks and guilty of "abusive filing" of bankruptcies. In this news story published in the Murfreesboro Post she explains the basis of those charges and says "she has requested the slanderous articles to be retracted but it hasn’t happened."  I wish someone would pull the court records and get to the bottom of this.

Brenda Lenard is running against Lamar Alexander in the Republican primary for the Party's nomination for U. S. Senator. Tea party activist and libertarian-Republicans have been clamoring for a primary challenger to Alexander and have found no candidate of stature and experience to step forward. Lenard is one of three possible challengers, none of which would likely be able to mount a credible challenge to Alexander.

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  1. I agree that the court records would help greatly but Brenda Lenard could help clear the air herself if she gave an interview to the press in which she gave the details. She should not try to duck this.

  2. I don't see anything in this interview explaining the bankruptcies or the report of the judge chiding her for abusing the bankruptcy system. I hope it is not true but I hope she will clear the air.

  3. Mr. Wisdom -

    Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please see the letter ( sent to the publications that erroneously reported the story concerning Ms. Lenard. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to notify me directly at 202.503.9478 or via email

    Also, please feel free to distribute the attached letter to your network of family and friends.
    Finally, thank you for your continued support of Friends of Brenda Lenard.


    S. Prescott Harris II
    Chief Political Adviser
    Friends of Brenda Lenard

    1. I have emailed Investigative Check to ask the basis of their account of statements by the bankruptcy judge. I will report their response here.

  4. Mr. Harris II: Please consider asking Ms. Lenard to release the formal copies of her court proceedings asap. This will follow her until she does. Doubts will persist until that happens. Surely she knows that she can't conduct a campaign claiming openness, trust, fiscal prudence, etc. with this black cloud hanging over her head.
