Friday, August 02, 2013

Director of Republican National Committee Chad Connelly, First Tuesday guest, Aug. 6th.

From Tim Skow, Host of 1zt Tuesday:

ST TUESDAY members and friends 

Apparently you have helped get 1ST TUESDAY on some VERY important radar screens.

Tuesday [August 6th] the newest Director of Republican National Committee will be our speaker!

Chad Connelly

The impressive bio of RNC Director Chad Connelly is attached. Those in TN who have met Chad tell me he is a remarkable leader.


For as you are about to find out.... Chad has been tasked with a critical role in helping to lead the Republican Party effort to take over the US Senate in 2014 --

Nothing too serious!

Chad is now on the ground in multiple key states every week. Given the mission Chad has been assigned by RNC Chairman Preibus, the access he has and the travel schedule he is keeping, there are few who understand the entire picture of the 2014 US Senate races like Chad Connelly !!

 If you "want a look behind the curtain"... and a preview of how Republicans will take over the US SENATE in 2014, then you will want to be at 1ST TUESDAY on August 6th !!

 As usual, doors will open at The Waller Law Offices [511 Union Street -27th floor] 11AM for Coffee and Social time. Lunch from Alexander's Catering will be ready at 11:30AM and our program will start at NOON sharp! What will surely be a remarkable Q&A session will end at 1:00PM... but Chad has agreed to stay till "almost 1:30pm" to make sure you get a chance to know all you'd like. You can secure your seat via the 1ST TUESDAY website at .... and clicking on Shopping Cart.

 Lunch is $20 for members.. $25 for Guests. ... [ those without an RSVP are $30 at the door if space is available] A variety of important guests will also be joining us, so get your seat(s) now.. and plan to join us as close to 11AM as your schedule allows ! See you on Tuesday, August 6th at 1ST TUESDAY !

Tim Skow

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