Saturday, August 31, 2013

More about that "Beat Lama" event today

This report from Bill Hobbs on Facebook:

 Fox News contributor David Webb (left), Senate candidate Joe Carr (center) and Kevin Kookogey on stage at the "Beat Lamar" event in Nashville. I was at another event down the hall, but slipped in to take this photo. The crowd probably numbered 150 people (I was told the room was set up for 200 chairs, and it appeared to be about 75% full.)

This report from Channel 2 tells us who was involved and who funded it: Finding 'Ted Cruz of Tennessee' event Saturday in Nashville.

The Scene reports:
Bad News for Lamar: Tea Partiers Vow to Stand United 

 The tea party settled one question this afternoon at a meeting to audition candidates to challenge Sen. Lamar Alexander in next year’s GOP primary. Both Joe Carr and Kevin Kookogey promised they'll drop out of the picture if tea partiers are rallying behind the other guy.

Carl Boyd Jr. was there and posted this picture and message on Facebook:

Carl Boyd Jr. was there and posted this picture and message on Facebook: Me and fox news contributor David Webb at the beat Lamar Forum! David was the moderator. He did a great job!  Me and fox news contributor David Webb at the beat Lamar Forum! David was the moderator. He did a great job!

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