Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New Charter School approved. Special Called MNPS Board Meeting video of 08/20/13

This meeting is slightly less than an hour long. The only item on the agenda is, "Approval of

Recommendation for Explore  Community School Charter Appeal."
The charter school is approved with by a 5-3 vote after a passionate appeal for approval from school board member Elissa Kim.
Voting to approve was Elissa Kim, and four other board members.
voting against approval was Jill Speering, Amy Frogge and Will Pinkston
Below the the Tennessean's report on the meeting.  
“How can we not bring this opportunity to my kids in East Nashville?” Kim asked. “To me, it’s about justice.”
East End kindergarten students perform better in math than 96 percent of the kindergartners in the nation, Kim said, and in  reading they outperform 84 percent of their peers nationwide.
“This is life-changing,” she said. (link)

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