Monday, August 26, 2013

Ron Paul said in Nashville: Seeds Have Been Sown, Massive Crash Looming

Dr. Paul Speaks In Nashville, TN
Dr. Paul Speaks In Nashville, TN
by Michael Lotfi, August 26, 2013, Nashville -A few of the leading names in the political realm came together in Nashville, Tennessee over the weekend to discuss the Federal Reserve. They called it, A Night of Clarity. The conference boasted a room of more than 500, packed wall to wall with a surprisingly wide range of audience demographics. Typically, at such events where former congressman, Dr. Ron Paul is featured the crowd is young and energetic. This crowd was unique. The median age was approximately 40 years old. Many attendees were former business, economic & marketing majors who are now leaders in their chosen industry. Attendees came from all over the country to hear the six man team make their case against the Federal Reserve.

The night featured speeches and book signings by:

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