Wednesday, August 07, 2013

The Council meeting of Aug. 6th 2013

This council meeting is only 45 minutes long. When everyone thinks just alike and almost nothing gets discussed, you can have some short meetings. The Council meeting could even be shorter if everything was put on a consent agenda. The whole agenda could be passes by a single vote. To see what was on the agenda and to see the analysis follow this link.

Proposed rule change: Councilman Duvall had proposed a Council rule change. The Rule Committee recommended against it and Duvall withdrew it. I do not know what the rule change was. The rules by which the Council operates can sometimes be important.

Confirmation of Appointment: There was only three, two pass and one is deferred one meeting. The Council never takes its responsibility of confirming appointments seriously and never questions the Mayors appointments.

Bills on Public hearings: (this blog post to be completed later today.)

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