Saturday, August 10, 2013

Why does it take $8.2 million to turn a school back into a school?

From School Board Member Will Pinkston: As the Nashville School Board members representing the 12South area, Michael Hayes and I will host an "open house" at the Waverly-Belmont building (10th and Caruthers Avenues) on Monday, August 19, to share updates on the plan for returning the W-B to service as a neighborhood school. MNPS Director of Schools Jesse Register and his team will give an overview of the project's timeline, answer questions, and kick off a community-engagement process that will shape the work ahead. Anticipating a large turnout, we will hold this public meeting under a tent on the school grounds. Anyone who's interested in viewing the W-B's interior will have limited access to the ground floor beginning at 6 p.m. The public meeting will begin outside promptly at 6:30 p.m. In the event of inclement weather, we'll identify a rain date. Michael and I are excited about this important project, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, August 19.

In answer to a question about the cost of the project, Pinkston said, "architectural services to help manage the overall project -- including renovation of the existing 78-year-old building and design of an expansion that's needed on the rear of the facility. That architectural contract is $419,000, or about 5% of the project's total cost."

The total cost of the project is $8.2 Million! I am pleased to see the return of a neighborhood school.  I am pleased to see an old building restored instead of torn down. However $8.2 million is a lot of money. The building has not set empty. It is in use as an office building now. The building is not dilapidated. I have not toured the building, but does anyone doubt that if the building was turned over to a charter school that they would not spend $8.2 million dollars to get the building again functioning as a school? $419,000 for an architectural contract does not drive a single nail. I bet a charter school could get this building up and running for the $419.000 MNPS is spending on an architectural contract.

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