Friday, September 27, 2013

Common Core, Common Core and more Common Core: More than you ever wanted to know.

I don't know who wants to watch ten hours of the Senate Education Committee hearings on Common Core, but someone may.  Below are the Senate Education Committee hearings of September the 19th and 20th. I have not watched them myself. If you watch them, please feel free to comment and leave a notation telling me where to go in the video to see the best parts. If some enterprising person would like to cut it down to a condensed version with outtakes of the best parts, I will post it.

Senate-Education Committee - Sep 19th, 2013

Senate-Education Committee - Sep 20th, 2013

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1 comment:

  1. I didn't watch much of the reading of the standards on the 19th - however did notice there still are none for pre-K, despite the fact that Common Core poses as a P-20 "standard". I did watch/listen to all of day 2.

    I did writeups for both sides on day 2. You know my bias, so you are forewarned. Somebody has to counter the media spin ordered by Arne Duncan. Heck, a Morristown "news" paper is now trying to sell that Ronald Reagan thought it up...that must be the real ace-in-the-hole for Tennesseans.

    The Gates-paid proponents:

    The "out of state" opponents:
