Saturday, September 21, 2013

Rep. Joe Carr Calls on Sen. Alexander to Change His Mind and Join Senators Cruz and Lee to Defund Obamacare

Joe Carr press release, September 19, 2013, Nashville, TN- House Speaker John Boehner announced the House will vote on a continuing resolution that defunds Obamacare, while still providing funding to keep the government open. The ball will then be in the Senate’s court.

“Senator Lamar Alexander has refused to join Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee to defund Obamacare claiming it would cause a government shutdown. Although Senator Lamar Alexander agrees with Obama on this point, it is false,” says Representative Joe Carr.

“Obamacare is bad for America and we should be doing everything possible to stop it. I choose to stand up and fight. I stand with Senators Cruz and Lee to defund this bad bill. I am calling on Sen. Alexander to change his mind and stand up with Senators Cruz, Lee, and the citizens of Tennessee to defund Obamacare,” said Representative Joe Carr.

Senator Alexander released an ad claiming he’s led the fight against Obamacare and stood up to the President. “He is trying to re-write history by ignoring his votes yet again. Senator Alexander stood with the President Obama on March 20, 2013, when he voted in favor of the FY2013 continuing resolution, which included funding for the implementation of Obamacare,” says Representative Joe Carr.

“Unfortunately, Senator Alexander is not fighting for Tennesseans by standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Senators Cruz and Lee who are leading the fight against Obamacare. Let’s hope he decides to stand with Tennesseans this time around by choosing to defund Obamacare,” said Representative Joe Carr.

Representative Joe Carr is an announced candidate running against Sen. Lamar Alexander in the 2014 Republican Primary. He is a principled conservative who believes that Washington needs to return to our founding core principles of personal responsibility, individual liberty, and free and fair markets.

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