Friday, September 06, 2013

Speaker Beth Harwell to Host 2013 Right Women, Right Now Summit

Will Lead Republican Efforts to Elect More Women Nationwide

Wednesday, September 04, 2013
Washington, D.C. (September 4, 2013) –Today, the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) announced Speaker Beth Harwell will host the RSLC’s 2013 “Right Women, Right Now” Summit in Nashville, TN September 9thand 10th.  Harwell, who serves as a co-chair of the RSLC’s initiative to identify, train and support women to run for state level office, will lead the Summit’s efforts to recruit candidates to better reflect America’s full diversity.

“I’m honored to host this gathering of over twenty-five women elected leaders from across the country.  Together, we will accomplish the goals of ’Right Women, Right Now ‘ to recruit 300 women to run for first time office and become our future Party leaders,” said Harwell.  “Our Party, and more importantly our nation, must increase the number of Republican women in state level office to bring needed voices to debates on job creation, education reform, healthcare and how to improve the economy.”

Harwell noted that last cycle, the RSLC's “Right Women, Right Now” identified 185 new Republican women candidates from 36 states, yielding 84 new Republican women elected to state offices in 2012.  This cycle, the RSLC has committed to recruit 300 new Republican candidates and elect 150 of them, spending $6 million to do so as part of the overall Future Majority Project that recruits women and minority candidates to run for first time office.

“Speaker Harwell is an outstanding leader for the state of Tennessee, a star within our Party and a passionate advocate for families across the Volunteer State,” said “Right Women, Right Now” Director Jill Bader.  “We commend her for her commitment to growing strong women leaders and thank her for hosting our ‘Right Women, Right Now’ summit.”

Harwell, the first woman Speaker in Tennessee History, is Co-Chair of “Right Women, Right Now” along with Attorney General Pam Bondi (FL), Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch (WI) and Secretary Kim Wyman (WA). 

The 2013 “Right Women, Right Now” Summit will take place in Nashville, TN on Sept. 9 and 10, 2013.  Attorney General Pam Bondi will give the keynote address.  Hosted by Tennessee Speaker of the House Beth Harwell, the gathering will bring together over 25 elected women and supporters from across the nation to address how to support women at all levels of elected leadership.


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