Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Taxpayers to pay $7 million for UBS Nashville expansion

Metro's share of this is $500 each for the anticipated 1000 new jobs or $500,0000 per year for a maximum of  $2.5 million.. The resolution is on tonight's Council agenda. There is no requirement that the new employees live in Davidson County.
WZTV FOX 17 :: Newsroom - Top Stories - UBS Spending Millions on Nashville Expansion But so are Taxpayers - Erika Lathon

While I think it is a shame that we must bribe companies to move to Nashville, stay in Nashville or expand here, I realize it is hard to stop playing the game.  If we don't pay them to expand here, some other city will.  So, while I don't like this trend, I am not sure we can do anything about it. This is one of those issues that I would like to oppose on principle but pragmatism persuades me to support.

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