Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Tracy Opposes Obama’s Request for Force in Syria

Murfreesboro, TN - Republican 4th district candidate Jim Tracy stated Wednesday that President Obama’s lack of a strategic plan for military force in Syria should result in a no vote.

“Based on what I have seen, I do not believe the President has outlined a compelling case or a coherent objective to Congress in his request for authorization to use military force in Syria,” said Tracy.  

“There is no doubt the Assad regime’s willingness to use chemical weapons is unacceptable and that his growing dependence on Iran is a threat to stability in the Middle East. But President Obama’s weak and ineffective approach over the last few years in this part of the world continues to weaken our nation’s stature overseas,” said Tracy. “That weakened stature is why Assad ignored President Obama in the first place. The President “leads” from behind and when he inches toward action, he does so without a clear sense of purpose or an attainable conclusion. This administration, at this point in time, cannot be trusted with an authorization of military force in Syria. Congress should reject the President's ill-conceived, ill-timed request."

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