Friday, October 11, 2013

Antioch Hockey Center Groundbreaking on $15 Milliion ice rink

Below is the video of the ground breaking on the new Antioch Hockey Center. The new hockey center only cost $15 million.

Fifteen million here and fifteen million there and pretty soon you are talking about real money.  

On August the sixth this year the Council passed  RESOLUTION NO. RS2013-787 which approved the Ice Rink Intergovernmental Agreement. This was part of the plan to increase the debt of the city to the tune of $15 million in order to build a hockey rink at the site of the failed Hickory Hollow mall, now know as  Global Mall. The previous council meeting the Council had approved the funding for the project, without objection.  We need to elect some council members who will vote against massive local government spending even when it is for a shinny new toy located in their district. Is is hypocritical to oppose tax increases but not oppose lavish spending. Spending is the other side of the budget coin. Next time we are facing a tax increase, know that this expenditure passed without opposition.

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