Friday, October 25, 2013

Green Hills traffic problem to be solved by replacing center turn lane with a median.

The Green Hills Area Plan calls for banning most left hand turns and developing a median in Hillsboro Rd, among other things. I like walkable pleasant cities but am skeptical that you can get people to give up their cars and can turn an area like Green Hills into a pedestrian -friendly area. Part of the plan however makes a lot of sense, such as connecting the Mall to other commercial areas so one does not have to get in the car to go a short distance and the realignment of some of the intersections. If I lived in the area, had a financial interest in the area, had to travel through the area, or visited it often, I would take the time to learn about what is proposed for Green Hills.

Community Meeting: October 28

There will be a community meeting on Monday, October 28, 2013, from 5 pm to 8pm at Hillsboro High School, 3812 Hillsboro Road, Nashville, TN 37215, to review the recommendations from the Green Hills Area Transportation Plan, other mobility solutions, and related amendments to the Major and Collector StreetPlan and the Green Hills-Midtown Community Plan. This community meeting will be held in an open house-style format, and residents are encouraged to stop by during the time frame to discuss the recommendations and provide input.

Public Hearing: November 14

Additionally, the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) will hold a public hearing during the regular Planning Commission meeting on November 14, 2013, at 4:00 pm in the Sonny West Conference Room of the Howard Office Building, to consider amendments to the Major and Collector Street Plan and the Green Hills-Midtown Community Plan. The Major and Collector Street Plan was adopted on April 24, 2011, by the MPC. The Green Hills-Midtown Community Plan was adopted on July 28, 2005, by the MPC.
The purpose of these amendments to the Major and Collector Street Plan and the Green Hills-Midtown Community Plan are to include recommendations from the Green Hills Area Transportation Plan and other mobility solutions to improve the transportation network in the Green Hills Area. The Green Hills Area Transportation Plan can be reviewed online at
If you have questions about these meetings, you can contact Michael Briggs,Transportation Planner, at 615-862-7219 or

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