Sunday, October 06, 2013

Important update about First Tuesday which will be tomorrow Monday Oct 7th.

From Tim Skow, Host of First Tuesday:

Subject: URGENT 1ST TUESDAY update & and a guest from Rand Paul's staff

1ST TUESDAY members and guests coming MONDAY --

I need a small favor... but time is of the essence.

You know 1ST TUESDAY has Congresswoman Diane Black as our Guest Speaker on MONDAY, OCT 7th.

DUE to the extremely fluid situation in Washington DC....  Speaker Boehner has ordered Republican Members of Congress to be available for voting by 5PM on Monday. Diane has let me know that she must move our meeting up an hour so that she can catch the 1:15 flight rather than the 2:30pm flight she had scheduled.

Consequently, we must move the start of our 1ST TUESDAY event up 10:30AM on MONDAY ...

ALSO... joining us Monday is Rachel McCubbin  -- Deputy Director for US Senator RAND PAUL R-KY

I need your help to pass this news on to other you know.... AND .. please .... adjust your schedule and plan to join us at 10:30AM this special time on Monday.

This will be a fascinating lunch event... but I need your help to make sure that those you know who would like to be there get the news to come early. ... AGAIN ... doors will open Monday at 10:30AM... Diane will begin speaking at 11:15. She will depart immediately after the Q&A session ends promptly at NOON  !!!

Rachel plans to stay with us for awhile [since had scheduled to stay until shortly after 1pm anyway]. I am sure she will entertain some questions in a bit of an informal conversation after Diane needs to leave.

Please share this UPDATE with those you know... especially those who have joined us before at 1ST TUESDAY....

Because of the changes from our typical meeting day and time...  some last minute seating is available.

If anyone would like to join us, please direct the to our website at ( and click on Shopping Cart to secure a seat. ... OR....  for those who are may be coming at the last moment... paying at the door will be OK... but I would certainly appreciate an email RSVP ... or a phone call at 615-429-7569 (tel:615-429-7569) .... so we can get the appropriate amount of lunch ordered.

please confirm you got this news !

THANKS in advance for your help !  Let me know if you plan to add to those slated to join us.

Hope to see you on MONDAY !!

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