Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Is America 'Coming Apart' at the seams? Join the discussion

Charles Murray is a political scientist and a self-described libertarian. In Coming Apart he argues that current American social classes are fundamentally different from anything we have know before in America, arguing that at one time, rich and poor shared basic standards of  behavior and values but that that is no longer true. He draws on five decades of statistics and research to support his argument. To remove the variable of race and ethnicity from the discussion, he focuses on White America.

Coming Apart is the selection of the next meeting of the Conservative Fusion Book Club. You can get a copy of the book for less than $5 at Amazon. The meeting will be Wednesday, November 13th at the home of Gene Wisdom at 7PM. For directions email Gene at hvillenavy@yahoo.com

Charles Murray first became well known for his Losing Ground: American Social Policy 1950–1980 in 1984, which discussed the American welfare system. Murray has also written In Pursuit: Of Happiness and Good Government (1988), What It Means to be a Libertarian: A Personal Interpretation (1996), Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950 (2003), and In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State (2006). He published Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America's Schools Back to Reality in 2008. He has also been widely published in conservative, libertarian and mainstream media. He is a scholar at American Enterprise Institute.

Please join us for this lively discussion of an important work.

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