Saturday, October 05, 2013

Marsha Blackburn's update on Shutdown: Fund our Veterans, Guard and Reserve.

From Marsha Blackburn

I wanted to point you to two great articles about the shutdown. The first is from TownHall and address the Constitutional obligation of the House of Representatives to decide whether or not they want to spend money on a particular government activity. The second is from Charles Krauthammer and addresses the myths spawned from the shutdown.  These are both fantastic reads and are great to explain why we’re here. 

While we’re working to get the government back up and running, my colleagues and I in the House passed legislation this week to fund national parks and museums, the National Institutes of Health, the District of Columbia, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. I hope Senator Reid will take those bills up in the Senate. 

Yesterday I received a note from General Max Haston informing me that due to the government shutdown, he had to furlough more than 1,400 members of the Tennessee National Guard. The House has acted to restore critical funding and ensure these heroes can get back to work. The Pay Our Guard and Reserve Act is awaiting Senator Reid as well. 

As well, I wanted to pass along some pretty startling numbers - $2.6 trillion. When the Affordable Care Act first came into the debate, it was to be a government-run insurance program costing no more than $863 billion over ten years.

Now it’s a government-funded behemoth that’s estimated to cost $2.6 trillion. It’s made $600 billion to cuts in Medicare and Medicaid and implemented a total of $819.3 billion in new taxes. The fight to go to conference over Obamacare is about much more than politics. It’s about solutions to long-term fiscal issues.
Have a good weekend-

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1 comment:

  1. Is it true that the Senate Healthcare Act, now known as the Affordable Care Act or more commonly as Obamacare, was a initiated in the U.S. Senate? Is it also true that the Supreme Court of the U.S. has classified it as a tax for purposes of constitutionality? If both of these beliefs are fact, is it not true that the process for creating the ACA violated Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution and is therefore null and voidable? Why has the House of Representatives not presented the Senate with a Blue Slip regarding this breach of the constitution?
