Saturday, October 19, 2013

Tommorrow, a critical meeting related to textbooks for Tennessee's public schools.

From Tennessee Freedom Coalition 
Rod -
We need your help. Please help us make an impact! Please share this email with like-minded people willing to take a stand for our children.
Join ACT for America's Rutherford County chapter tomorrow for a critical meeting related to textbooks for Tennessee's public schools.

Tennessee textbook commission meeting
Wednesday, October 23, at 10:00 A.M.
Davy Crockett Tower
500 James Robertson Pkwy.
Nashville, TN
Conference Room 1-A

On 10/8/13 the State Textbook Commission declined to accept any of the proposed Social Studies books. That decision was huge, and it was unprecedented and we are so pleased with that outcome… However, the Commission is holding an emergency meeting on 10/23/13 and we need to be prepared for a possible reversal or compromise that will not be satisfactory to us. They are also not allowing any public comments at this meeting, so we MUST show our strength in numbers!

Help support this group by attending this meeting and holding our leadership accountable to the people of Tennessee.
The Board of Directors
Tennessee Freedom Coalition

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