Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A message from Caffeinated Conservatives

From Caffeinated Conservatives:

Hi everybody,

I've collected some news and announcements that I think you'd like to know about. Enjoy!

TN voters being denied our right to elect judges, and the man who's fighting for it At the last meeting, John Jay Hooker told us about the next meeting he will attend to protest the unconstitutional method of selecting judges in TN. On December 6th at 1 PM, you can join John Jay and show your support of our right under the TN Constitution to elect the judges that can throw us in jail, seize our property, and abuse their power without fear of the people. For the address and all the details of where you need to be to see him spit fire, click the link below.

Tour a Metro police Crime Lab
On a less infuriating topic, something neat to check out is the Madison Police Precinct Open House happening December 15th from 2-4 PM. Why is this cool? Because if you go to the precinct at 400 Myatt Drive in Madison, you will be able to tour a real crime lab before it gets made off limits to the public! Forget that CSI Hollywood stuff, come see where real crime fighting happens.

Vote No on the AMP
The Tennessean has a poll up for readers to register their support or opposition to a $120 million project to destroy West End and ensure downtown traffic is such a hassle, you'll never go there again. In other AMP news, the Governor's proposed budget includes not one red cent for this Mayor Dean boondoggle. Show him that you agree with his decision by voting No on the AMP anytime you have a chance. Heck, send him an email to let him know you approve at

You're invited to the Davidson County GOP Christmas Party
On Thursday December 12th from 6-8 PM, come join us for holiday cheer with your fellow politicos at the Hampton In & Suites in Green Hills! I've enjoyed every Davidson County GOP event I've made it to, and I'm sure this will be fun, too. Plus, we might get to see Chairman Robert Duvall with reindeer antlers on! I'm not promising it'll happen, but it will be a good time. The link below is the fancy invitation with the address, and remember to sign up on the mailing list while you're there.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Stephen Clements Caffeinated Conservatives

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