Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Like Middle TN Republican Women on Facebook

Like Middle TN Republican Women on Facebook. Middle TN Republican Women.

Middle Tennessee Republican Women is about action. We motivate, encourage, and educate women about the issues affecting our city, state, and nation.

Photo: Meet the current MTRW Exec board, Pres:Valerie Levay, 1st Vice Pres: Christy McDonel, 2nd Vice Pres: Stachia Graham, Sec: Kim Brewer and Trea: Kathleen Starnes. All with Speaker Dr. Carol Swain. 
 Meet the current MTRW Exec board, Pres:Valerie Levay, 1st Vice Pres: Christy McDonel, 2nd Vice Pres: Stachia Graham, Sec: Kim Brewer and Trea: Kathleen Starnes. All with Speaker Dr. Carol Swain.

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