Saturday, November 02, 2013

Robert Duvall did not sign the letter critical of the election commission for appointing Kent Wall as Election Administrator.

Robert Duvall did not sign the letter critical of the election commission for appointing Kent Wall as  Election Administrator. His name was added to the letter by clerical error of the Council staff. Here is the correction from Council staff. Below is the correction.

From: Hayes, Roseanne (Council Office)
 Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 6:40 PM
Cc: Neighbors, Diane (Vice Mayor); Council Members; Dean, Karl (Mayor); Szeigis, Marty (Mayor's Office)
Subject: Updated Letter to Chairman Ron Buchanan and Members of the Election Commission

Below is a revised letter to the Election Commission with additional names added. 
Please note that Councilman Robert Duvall’s name has been removed.  His name was placed on the letter inadvertently.
Thank you.
Below is a revised letter to the Election Commission with additional names added. 
Please note that Councilman Robert Duvall’s name has been removed.  His name was placed on the letter inadvertently.
Thank you.


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