Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Southeast Nashville Conservatives' Breakfast

Saturday, November 16th 
(our last Breakfast for 2013 -- let's end the year B I G)
  Shoney's Bell Road @ Cane Ridge Road, (I-24E, Bell Road Exit), Antioch
8:30 - 9:00 am:  Social & Breakfast. 9:00 am - 10:30 am:  Meeting & Program.
  Special Guest Speakers:  Latinos for Tennessee 
Founding Members: Raul Lopez, Tommy Vallejos, Juan Borges, Frank Guzman
Latinos for Tennessee is a new Statewide Conservative Organization. Their mission is to provide the Latino community with information on issues that affect faith, family, freedom and fiscal responsibility so they can advance their families and communities.  
Special Reminder !!!!  This our last meeting to collect Toys for the Children of Tennessee Soldiers. (up to age 17) Let's make it our best yet!!!!!! Bring a Toy

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